The Cube Wodonga Complimentary Ticket program EOI

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The Cube Wodonga | Complimentary Ticket program EOI

* indicates a required field.

Information summary


The Cube Wodonga programs approximately 20 season performances each year, providing a diverse selection of performances including comedy, children’s shows, physical theatre (circus), dance, contemporary music, drama and musical theatre.

The Cube Wodonga wants to make sure that their programming and performances are accessible to the whole community, as there is researched evidence of improved mental health and educational benefits in people who attend theatre performances.

The Cube Wodonga’s ticketing policy allows for an allocation of complimentary tickets for each of The Cube Season shows, to enable the provision of accessible tickets to those members of the community who may be disadvantaged or vulnerable and to drive a positive social and cultural outcome.

What we are seeking

We are seeking expressions of interest from local not-for-profit organisations who would be interested in receiving complimentary tickets for shows presented by The Cube Wodonga for the purpose of distributing to members of the community who may be disadvantaged or vulnerable.

What we are offering

We will be offering complimentary tickets to approved organisations between two to four weeks out from each show date of The Cube Wodonga season. There will be a limit of up to 50 tickets in total for each show which will be shared across all approved organisations.

Eligibility of your organisation

To apply, your organisation must:  

  • Be a registered not-for-profit organisation; and
  • Drive positive social and cultural outcomes for the Albury Wodonga community; and/or 
  • Provide a support service to community members that may be disadvantaged or vulnerable. 

Please note:

If you believe you have a conflict of interest or a perceived conflict of interest with The Cube Wodonga, Wodonga Council or its staff, please contact The Cube Wodonga to request a declaration form to submit along with your EOI. This will then be reviewed with your submission by the selection panel.

For further information please phone: (02) 6022 9311 or email

Organisation details

Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, and Postcode are required. 
Are you a registered not-for-profit organisation or charity: * Required
The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name
ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed
ATO Charity TypeMore information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location
Must be an ABN. 

Contact details

Name of the person who we can contact about this application, program and ticket distribution.
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 

Application details

Word count:
Do any clients identify as:
Tick all that apply.
Word count:
Indicate the time frame required to offer and distribute tickets to clients:
Allocated tickets for each show can be collected from the box office and distributed by your organisation or The Cube Wodonga can email tickets to individual clients where name and contact details are provided.
Indicate the type of show/s clients of the organisation would prefer:
Tick all that apply.
Please select audience age rating of shows suitable for clients of the organisation:
Tick all that apply.

Terms and conditions:

  • A submitted application does not secure your place in The Cube Wodonga’s Complimentary Ticket program. 
  • This expression of interest remains open throughout 2024 until the annual complimentary ticketing allocation is exhausted, that is, there is no closing date. As such, The Cube Wodonga will keep all applications and contact details on file for future reference, including for the purpose of program participation.  
  • If your expression of interest application is successful, we will confirm via email and liaise with you to confirm your participation in the program. A letter of agreement will be provided to be signed by both parties. 
  • If your expression of interest is approved, tickets are allocated at the discretion of The Cube Wodonga staff.  

Approved organisations agree to:

  • Allocate tickets to customers and clients of the organisation who may be disadvantaged or vulnerable (eligible recipients); and 
  • Not allocate or distribute tickets to paid staff of the organisation. 
  • Respond to the Complimentary Ticket offer received by email for each show within the specified time frame; and 
  • Arrange for collection of tickets (in person, via phone or email) and distribute to eligible recipients of the organisation; or 
  • Provide individual names and contact details of eligible recipients of the organisation for ticket distribution directly from The Cube Wodonga.